Daily Archives: February 13, 2014


I currently homeschool my 12 yr old son, and I have done homeschooling for about 6 years on and off just depending on where we were at and if we were moving or not. I have really enjoyed just being around my kids, am always amazed at the people they are becoming.

Recently I have begun to be interested in the different styles of homeschooling, so i have picked up the book ” The how and why of homeschooling by Ray E. Ballmann”. I was looking for an overview not of styles but the pros and cons kind of thing. I was/am really disappointed 😦 I am a Christian and want my kids to believe but it is not the reason I home school.

I think I have come to a point in my life where I am tired of extreme thoughts and ideas and especially those people who want to put you in a box with a label and say this is who you are, Your whole life you have to be this and do this and raise your kids this way and dress this way. With homeschooling it is no different.

Their are the liberals who want everyone to be in public school for that indoctrination and the conservatives/tea party who are into homeschool and it is another type of indoctrination. I know I am labeling and generalizing people in these two groups (sorry:()

I want to homeschool my children because I love them and want to spend as much time as I can with them, learn what makes them excited, what they want do as they get older and be able to guide them as they grow up. Not to make sure they have memorized the whole bible and they have a Christian character and everything they do comes from a biblical worldview.( I am not judging people who do that if that is how you want them to grow up) I just choose to have my children expose to different thoughts and hopefully it will be ok 🙂

It was a little bit of a rant, just frustrated that people really believe that the reason you should homeschool is

“The most important area of instruction is the development of godly character. It is the precious foundation-stone on which all other learning is built… It is true that a child must grow physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially, but the most important growth of all is spiritual” pg 111 (the how and why of homeschooling)

I personally don’t agree with kind of thinking… I would love to start a dialogue.

Thanks for reading!

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